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I'm saving for varesa
Garunteed and at 50 pity
Idk when these 2 events will pop out
Yk who's varesa she's the upcoming 5 star in 5.5
Dis her
furina cookin
me eatin
She's cooking
But varesa will be cookin more
With her thighs
I know varessa yes
Ill save for skirk
I heared Shea going to be on 5.7 or 5.8
You have alot of time to farm
no she'll cook with hands
Varesa will cook with her hands
With her hansnds
I know what you mean Buddy
tasty > nasty
change my mind
She will cook you burritos at least
Oh sorry wrong one
How do i remove
She will also cook
With her thighs (😭🤣🤣🤣)
I mean just look
Yk how she might cook with 😏her mou*
ok ill srop
i miss being able to drop drop drop pictures
i even stopped taking screenshots
the moment i gave away my karma they changed anti i hate murphy
Who is Murphy
with the one with Murphy's law
And what's that
if you allow something to go wrong it will