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I heared Shea going to be on 5.7 or 5.8
You have alot of time to farm
no she'll cook with hands
Varesa will cook with her hands
With her hansnds
I know what you mean Buddy
tasty > nasty
change my mind
She will cook you burritos at least
Oh sorry wrong one
How do i remove
She will also cook
With her thighs (😭🤣🤣🤣)
I mean just look
Yk how she might cook with 😏her mou*
ok ill srop
i miss being able to drop drop drop pictures
i even stopped taking screenshots
the moment i gave away my karma they changed anti i hate murphy
Who is Murphy
with the one with Murphy's law
And what's that
if you allow something to go wrong it will
cat lingerie
that black bow on the butt gets me every time coz i always forgot it 😂
Nice photo