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They killing anti
It's been dead this month
Too much censoring
but did you know the web site is censorship free
you can be as bigger pervert as like there
>>> Too much censoring Yup
Hi nat
It's feels awkward to talk Arabic in here
Probably cause maga America is bad towards Arabic peoples
This is the weakest America has been in awhile that's for sure
i hate this fasting diet only eating cake and potato chips
>>> Probably cause maga America is bad towards... No it's because 911 Everyone is racist towards us about this and we have nothing to do with it
>>> i hate this fasting diet only eating cake ... Yeah same
Imagine having to eat cake and ice cream all day
Not get any side effects
>>> i hate this fasting diet only eating cake ... Bro I'm fasting now
Just chill
I don't think your Muslim
No I'm not
I thought he was making fun of ppl dieting
Liek you know keto etc
I didn't eat or drink anything from sunrise to sunset, for religious reasons.
Not diet
its genuinely been suggested as a way of losing weight
the 5-2 diet
>>> No it's because 911 Everyone is racist to... Naw it's mainly due to maga. Trust me
It’s for Ramadan
Common sense
2 days a week i only eat cake and potato chips
thats sort if fasting
>>> Common sense Yep
sort of*
>>> 2 days a week i only eat cake and potato c... So how do I sign up
Can I substitute cake for more cake
>>> 2 days a week i only eat cake and potato c... Bro that's terrible
Why you guys even collecting karma
The app is dead
>>> Why you guys even collecting karma exactly my thoughts this week
thats insane knowing it could be shut down any day
muslims seem to be fasting a lot are you sure its not just being poor
i pretend to fast