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🏙New York

Left me for his cousins back home 🤦‍♀️
That's crazy for his cousin
He invited me to the wedding too 😭
Some sweet home Alabama marriage
Put laxative onna wedding cake
>>> He invited me to the wedding too 😭 You should go and pop off on him and her
Ewww crusty cat
Dusty crusty rat 🐀🩴🩴
Fyi rat is a tranny lmfao
I will propose to his dad during the wedding
Wash me with your fire Who else has to pay for my sins? My love's fabricated, it's too late to save it Now I'm ready for the end So burn me with your light I have no more fights left to win Tie me up to face it, I can't run away, and I'll accept that it's the end And I hope that I find what I'm looking for I hope someone's watching from up above Done with the lies, done with the loss Hope my confession is enough So I see Heaven after life
I'm being serious
Suck ma dihh
Can I watch? 👀
>>> I will propose to his dad during the wedding That's crazy is like y'all switching family members
is that JEN
We straight people feel disgusted
>>> Suck ma dihh Your karma high don't get sent to jail
Really feeling disgusting
Ofc it’s me bruh. I ain’t ever leave this app 😔
A straight one
For this bend people
U sent me to jail
missed you
As you guys think
But in our INDIA
We believe everyone
Anyone up
I'm going to deport you
Is capable of doing anything
Which one of my fine shyts is this 😩
Our law has
lmao it’s crystal
Our India's law has the power than your's guys
Crystal with the charger 🥹
Has the powers than yours guys ?
i have a mercedes too now🤩
Reallllly? WOW 😍😍😍
Make it make sense
Than a straight atrans also lives with respect fullly in our country