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OOklahoma 🌪

Then amazing race
Mmm I think I'ma just go see my lil down shordie tonight
She prolly needs the warmth
I remember when it was shawty
It still can be
Now it's shordie?
It's however you wanna type tbh
This cold wind is insane bruh cuts right thru you
I'm fried gang
Hey everyone what's up guys
Mornin fellas 🌄
Hey crumbles
What's on the menu today
Ham and swiss
On some fancy bread I get but I don't remember what it is
Fancy bread sounds nice rn
Always go fancy. It's worth it
I got Oreos
Technically bread
I like how you think
Hey hey ☺️
What’s going one ?
Living life deciding what I should do next week
Nice 😌 I’m at work re thinking life 😅
Oh yeah you said you had to work today. Boo
Right hate being a grownup 😂
Fkn same
I agree on that too 😂🥲
It's the worst
I need a vacation
What's your desired vacation spot
Mine is the work bathroom 🤩
Or any mountains. I went to Mexico last year and it was over rated
Wym by that 🌝
The resorts in Mexico are meh. I was there for 5 days and was bored after 2. I explored around the area but only so many drinks I can drink and still have fun
What part ?
Heyy yall! Finally some other okies!
A few yep
Just a few! Awe man
Better then none
How are you?
Anyone down to dm while I'm stuck at work all night
Hello room what's up guys
What’s up everyone
Just hanging out at work again
Mornin, seems y'all slowed down here 😪
I'm not carrying the chat on my shoulders no more
Hey hey 😌
Long day today
Just getting off myself
What sounds good to cook 😂
Idk i think I'm gonna have some Korean pork i got at whole foods and rice
Fajitas are always good too
Ima do baked potatoes and chicken salad 😌
Oooo thats good
How u beennnnnnnnnnn
I like to do grilled chicken on my backed potatoe
Ooo yummyyy
Yeah it's so good
Ayyoooo how u been!
Long time girlllllll
Stay that way 😂😂😂
I have though 😂😌
That good I hate prison
I knowwww
Missed youuu
Love yousss
Prison sucks
Lmao wow what you do to get a month??
It wasn’t lying 💀
Hahaha right
Ouch missed out on a fun time huh 💀😂
Hahaha no
Yeah it stay dead in here
I wouldn’t wanna claim being on here let alone be seen here with other okies 🤣
Eh, I’m an Iowan who lives in Oklahoma, I’m just screwed in general lmao
hi everyone
Anyone interested 4fun peemm.......
how is everyone doing today
Sup yall
Hi everyone
Hope everyone is having a good day today
Hope you are too
Hey Oklahoma! What's up