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OOklahoma 🌪

Love this response
I feel safe with new guy 😘
I feel hungry for some pupusas
Lol old man
Dammmm I just got a 3.5 for free
I'm not even that old. But I'll tear up some pupusas
Damn lucky
What is that?
I'm too old to know what a 3.5 is
It means feet pics
I mean if you're into it
I'm into everything
I ment the p word 😂
Is crazyyyyyyyyy
Get out of here heroooo
She said I ment the p wordddddd
I didn’t mean bring it in here 😂
My fault 🌝🌝
It’s cool but they look yummy
Yea I'm getting cozy finally 🤧
U childish I told u that in confidence 😂😝
Idk what that means but I'm smoking my blunt so idc
Enjoy 😌
I’m go eat bye new guy 🥰🥰
Autocorrect 🤣
Love you plsss come back soon
Enjoy your food
Or it's just the peanut gallery
Then amazing race
Mmm I think I'ma just go see my lil down shordie tonight
She prolly needs the warmth
I remember when it was shawty
It still can be
Now it's shordie?
It's however you wanna type tbh
This cold wind is insane bruh cuts right thru you
I'm fried gang
Hey everyone what's up guys