He makes a new account before they can find out and changes his IP
So they can’t find him if he doesn’t change it they would extend his ban and he doesn’t want that so he makes accounts and changes his IP
Yes I play both occasionally when I was younger I played on the school team
Do you like flowers and butterflies?
No I wasn’t the captain lool at the time it was my first year there so the ones there longer got to be captain since me and the others who tried out for the team were new. Ohhh volleyball is tough I had trouble setting the ball over the net during gym lol badminton is cool too people rarely play the sport anyway but it looks fun.
Oh wow that’s nice and cute the story. Like Winnie the Pooh lol he always followed butterflies around or puppies animals true they are interesting they start as caterpillar then grow into something colorful
Yes the veterans lol yeah it is underrated not many places play it or even have it school just the more common sports. Yeah it is fun and its less likely to get hit by a ball since you don’t use a ball in badminton 😆
Yeah it is. I love animals and nature
😂 yeah it is safer here too they let ppl play it in gymclass in schools tho I never seen ppl play it irl outside of school just basketball and soccer
I like wolves what about you
I like dogs more than cats but both are cute
Seals are cute too they have big eyes and do tricks and swim they are like sea dogs lol
🦭 haha yess they are just minding their business the one at the zooare more active
They look so smooth and have big eyes lol they always look innocent
Otters are cute 😂 I like them they are close with each other I seen videos of them swimming holding hands and they always are chilling
So cute they are like humans lol the way they use their hands ☹️
yes it’s cutee! they just chill lol
Is the dog the girls main account
She logged in her main by accident probably lol now she back to Alts
True I seen a clip online where a zoo put a basketball net above the water of their habitat and they learned to play basketball lool they swim and the zoo keeper holds up the ball and they swoop in and take it and put put through the net 😭
Haha true the more i think about them the more they are like humans they even stand on their two feet
Wow 3 accounts at the same time 😭 they probably planned it it’s funny she gets banned within seconds now though
How would she know grey cat?
I have an interview in 2 hours wish me luck