I don’t want you to possibly get prison 😭 that happened to me once for sharing a link they are strict now with links maybe bc they are from other apps
Lol she’s always trolling
She doesn’t support Palestine
Yeah see her other comments 😭
She usually gets banned then makes new accounts so if you see someone saying rude comments it’s probably her
Ohh what’s that foundation about?
Oh the drink is new or it has been around for awhile?
No she gets instant banned now but if you report it’s just a click not wasting time take a second
Wow you got banned for saying free Palestine in a gc for Palestine? 😭
Reason “club rules, club specific rules described in the title” 🤨 whaaat all you did was support the title of the gc
It’s not that serious lol
Oh I see and true it does show how they are
😂 I didn’t notice that they put the exact same thing I thought until now
Why pretending to be Brit? 🧐