Guys…I think I just disproves Einstein’s Theory of Relativity…
No you’re NOT! Because it’s really deep and unless you engage with me and my questions you won’t understand…
Okay…let’s see if you’re honest…so what does Einstein’s Theory of Relativity say? Or mean in your own words.
I’m NOT looking for a scientific explanation. Just what you understand it to mean.
No! You said you would engage so engage if NOT, I will find someone else to understand this new found truth
So Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity states that if you’re moving near light speed, time will slow down for you as an observer to everything else that’s not moving in light speed.
You follow?
Do you follow?
Meaning do you understand? Yes or no?
Okay, but don’t call me mister.
Now here is the next point. What is time?
Can you please explain that to me in your own words? Something that the other cat for some reason doesn’t want to do.
Yes! But what is it?!?!? Think about it.
If you could put it in your own words…what would you say it is in essence?
Okay, at least you’re honest.
So your first answer is right. I just wanted you to go more deeper if you could and I don’t know if you know why your first answer is right.
But time, simply put like you said, is a clock…
So here is the next question…can time or a clock, measure something that always existed…?!???!!
So this is tied to my next and FINAL point.
The answer to my previous question is NO! Logically speaking, if something never had a starting point, then time could NOT measure it.
Why? Because time is simply a measurement of things that have a beginning point…
Correct! At least one person gets it!!!
Time is SIMPLY a MEASUREMENT…but you CAN’T measure something that never had a beginning.
Oh! I would like to see you prove that.
I’m all ears!
Please prove that. You are only using words but haven’t given any REAL world examples of that in nature…where we can measure something eternal…it’s a logical fallacy by the way.
But I’ll wait…
Nope prove it in front of everyone here and I will disprove it with simple logic
LOL! Those process need a beginning to even be measured or you CANT measure them…do you understands that basic concept…time starts with 1 in laymen’s terms.
Do you agree?
Again…Einstein and many other scientist disagree with you. They all come to the conclusion that the universe has a starting point…so where are you getting this eternal universe theory from?