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Anonimowe Czaty, Gra randkowa w role z losowymi nieznajomymi online
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You’re whalecum
Imagine an anti text group
And not being invited
Helllllll nah
Hey there
I’m not invited
Cabe that man loves her. Shhhh
>>> That’s a bot darling Eh I got distracted in another chat anyway 😋
Never knew they existed
🏀 Larry🐤🍀
Welo and Rae gonna live happily ever after
Zero cuz welo and Rae are good for eachother
So many crazy ppl
I’m far to aesthetically motivated to fall in love w a chick on anti
Cuzcuz ✋️👽
You already have you sack of crap
I love giving my number to crazy people. We have some wild conversations
Fun fact about cabe…he is extremely,extremely fat phobic
Couldn’t be me
I wouldn’t do anything bad with someone’s number
Wanna wager on that? How about 1 k
But I sure wouldn’t give them addy 😭
Hellllllll nahhhhhhh
I mean someone could pull up on me but I’d delete them 🔫
If I have you saved in contacts you are special
Nice and Wild Gang
You getting stabbed shot or punched
I was gonna say I don’t really have a problem with dropping the Addy. Honestly, you can pull up and find out.
I guess phone number isn’t really that bad because you can block
I texted gee before and she said “who’s dis “ 😭
My man showed me how to use the pew pew
Ima pull up 😏
You’re outta your mind. He wouldn’t have an affair and we homies
If you my friend long enough I will show you how to use a pew pew too
Better be with some modelos
I can teach anyone
Send phitos of your pets
Bug plug
How to take one apart
Im in chicago lads
How to clean it
I mean how about with some wings too
Wings and modelo or Coors
Skrill 🥰