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Dojrzałe & 30+ Czaty/

TThunder Thighs 19+

exactly we definitely can’t make the decision for you. can only give you advice. but it is ultimately how you feel.
I just flat out asked her do you need me to spank it and she said "of course, feed me tacos tell me I'm pretty and spank me"
you lucky mf
Can I post a pic that she sent me
Or is that not allowed
You can’t post people that aren’t you
Oh ok
Today's so slow
QueenB💗 you have so sexy thighs ❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘
Can men drop here?
That’s a good thing
Ok thanks for letting me know
You asked that earlier and was told no
And queen isn't even here so you must be lagging
Sorry ❄Jιɳx🔒🐺
I think I need to take more almonds with my memory
Hi Jynx
Somehow her pics are here so that’s why I complemented her
can anyone tell me why i keep seeing groups disappear off my main page and i can just join them back?
No idea
I love thunder thighs
I’m scared of thunder personally but thighs are ok
That is one amazing booty.
Hello sexy
Squirrel is fake
Using some 3rd part app woman that's married to another woman
So whoever believes that will believe anything on here
The girls name is hailee and is married to Kendra
Where’s queen B?
Probably asleep
We aren't her keepers
She posted in another groupchat 👀
Was just wondering lol
Okay and again we don't keep track of people they're free to post wherever
Good morning gorgeous people
Curves 😍