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My app won't stop lagging lmao
I wasn't talking to you I was talking to the cat
The app is lagging so bad rn
Yes yes
>>> Jinx - your turn for some thunder thighs c... Also this won't get you anywhere
>>> The app is lagging so bad rn Thought something was wrong with my internet lol coz it's happening to me too
Hi Riley just so you know this is a 19+ room for pics
No it’s the app dude
Apps been like this a few times a day recently
They've been adding new accessories and avi
I’m sorry
Can i be thunderstruck?
That's not even her so no you can't
I was led to believe there will be thighs
Fake news
If I came to the room ready to post pics and read this, I wouldn’t post
Cake for dayzzz
Ayoo u a guy? Lmao
No male pics
Too nice to be real 😳
Love the plants. 🪴 cool atrium area.
Best thighs ever
aw someone did miss me 🥰🥰
Hi red
what those digit mean?
I'm pretty sure it's a birth year but I might be remembering wrong
those thighs don't look like they belong to a 50+ yr old
Hey red
💀 it doesn't have to be hers now does it
Generally if it's a birth year it's their own or a family members
thats true , not many people consider their own birthday that meaningful
thanks for the insight
I mean i guess it depends on the person too