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Anonimowe Czaty, Gra randkowa w role z losowymi nieznajomymi online
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oh i hated the car season
and i was tired of the og already
I love the cars, so I drive around the map exploring
i like the cars
absolutely hated the car season tho. worst season made til now
I've only been playing for about 6 months so far, I missed a lot
I played in the very beginning for a few seasons but quit because it got to be too much lol
that was probably the first season u played then so it’s understandable that you like it!
The marvel one was my first I think
I don't remember anything else
The boats have been so fun, I missed them
This season has been insanely silly though 😂
i like ittt
the map is gorgeous
You on rn aphro?
am not 😂
It feels a little empty to me
There's no variation in the foliage
Map looks nice but need better movement
The katana not being in the game yet is wack
I do love the silliness
I like the movement atm, it's not devoid of it but it's not overrun either
And I was liking the jump and fly function for scenic opportunities in cars 😂
I kept taking boats into the rifts 🤣
Landing in urban areas
The torpedos on them are pretty nice
Throwing bushes everywhere
I like rolling up on a fight and just dousing them with a barrage
I'm a bit of a menace, lol
I like how one poi is just BURD
and its a bird shaped like poop😂
Okay but does anyone wanna hop on wimme inna few 👁️👁️
I'd go but I'm at work 😋
Love that mega city still kinda exists
Dis new map is fiiiiiiiiire
I haven't seen it yet, I was getting my field guide for Hogwarts to 100%
its so gorgeous
Frfr. I love it.
I’m so so far behind on Hogwarts
Man xp feels so hard to get now. what happened ??
they made it harder to level up
I better check if Lego is still xp queen
Zero XP for 40 minutes, crazy nope
Heal off is possible again. No storm sickness
lowkey loving the new season
but this fr
Anyone play of servers?