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Ameryka Północna/

nnorthern Illinois

Sounds like the day is half done for you
Almost the weekend
True, but I work this weekend
That kind of sucks. Just house work for me
I have to do that too
How are you?
I'm good. Wife reading. Quiet time
Last week at the stone I bought what I thought was piz
Frozen pizza.
What did it turn out to be?
Hi, Charlotte
Mac n cheese pizza. Was awful
Yeah that does sound yucky
It was yucky
I need to look at the labels a little closer
McHenry here
Or get better glasses lol
Not the first time I did that
I’m sure
Life's little annoyances
Very true
Wife's a big annoyances.
Na I'm kidding. I should
Wives. Can’t live with them……I forgot the rest
Can't forget them
I’ll buy that
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition
But then it happens
Just chilling
Good morning
Hey, Thadeuse
Good morning, room
Anyone up for fun
Hey, BTB
Did you have a good afternoon
Yes. The weather was great
Made it out to the trash can
My brother came over for pot roast dinner
Good morning, room
Hello everyone
Hey, Czechmex