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Severní Amerika/

nnorthern Illinois

I need that
Don’t we all
I just have to be patient
Good morning, room
Any swingers here? Dm me
Good luck with that
That’s a blast from the past
Sure is but I don't remember
Wayne’s World
I remember that movie
Good morning, room
Morning all
Hey, Thadeuse
How is it going today
Not bad. Pretty chill day at work. How about you?
Same. Working. Getting ready for a lunch
Sounds like the day is half done for you
Almost the weekend
True, but I work this weekend
That kind of sucks. Just house work for me
I have to do that too
How are you?
I'm good. Wife reading. Quiet time
Last week at the stone I bought what I thought was piz
Frozen pizza.
What did it turn out to be?
Hi, Charlotte
Mac n cheese pizza. Was awful
Yeah that does sound yucky
It was yucky
I need to look at the labels a little closer
McHenry here
Or get better glasses lol
Not the first time I did that
I’m sure
Life's little annoyances
Very true
Wife's a big annoyances.
Na I'm kidding. I should
Wives. Can’t live with them……I forgot the rest
Can't forget them
I’ll buy that
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition
But then it happens
Just chilling