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Dojrzałe & 30+ Czaty/

😀40 and older

Almost 7pm here.
I wish…
Dixieland Delight is probably my favorite. It’s fun to play on guitar.
I got my festive mood on display
Good one!
G’Day uknow
Hey El Guapo
Hello UKnowUWanna
Hey 🎄Holly Golly G🎄
Get there UKnow
Why can’t I type geez
Lol El Guapo. Your keyboard
Story of my life 😂
Nice shirt
I give everyone the shirts eventually blue
I’m only a one thumber…
How's it going?
Still own a cassette player??
hiya UKnowUWanna and machineman
I bet that’s a good one Blue
Hello Machine
Hi velvet
Hey machine
Hi holly
>>> Still own a cassette player?? Yes. I still have a cassette walkman.
How’s it going?
Hi el
I want to get a stand alone cassette deck for my stereo, I just haven't yet.
>>>📷 That's the one ❤️
I had forgotten about this one.
I would rather they play this one than 50 versions of Last Christmas
omg right?
I have vinyl and cds
Me too Hudson
Hey Hudson. Been awhile. How are you?
Vinyl is such a nice format makes you listen to album
I still listen to the albums
I’m good thank you Mate,
I’m a vinyl guy myself
Agreed. There's something really cozy about listening to vinyl albums.
We have a record player and it really is nice. Especially for Christmas music
One of my fav vinyl