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Zreli i 30+ Razgovori/

😀40 and older

Bummer… hate when that happens
alrighty -- i shall take my toys and leave
👋 Brimstone
I’m bummed one of my ingredients was moldy… had to do without
Hey there how’s life
I’m just sitting at work
I’m great… cold and rainy day here but I like being toasty inside
What does work look like?
Hey Brim 🥤
Ohhh soda
Work looks like a dark and stormy night in the middle of no where
At a construction site in the middle of the blueberry barrons
Sounds freezing
I seldom get out of my car
Good idea 👍🏻
Stay warm
lol no reason to get out of the car yo do my job
But it makes for some cold peeing
Gg, did that eye exercise actually help you last asleep? 🤔
*fall asleep
Hi GG here is your ☕️
Everyone getting ready for Thanksgiving
Yep. The smoker will be well used by Thursday
I’m just eating chocolate 🤷‍♀️
Ty Wolf☕️
Hey Southern
Hi Slim
Grab it while you can. It will be gone soon
Hi Gg
Hello Yellow
Slim 🤗
How’s it going Slim?
It's going ok
I'm just tired
Did you have to work today?
Hey Gg
Smoking a whole turkey?
>>> Smoking a whole turkey? A turkey sized fatty is pretty big. 🤣
Only you, Blue…
Haha. How's it going yellow?
Hey Blue 🤗
GG 🤗
How's it going gg? How's Mr g? How's your sanity?
I’m good. How’re you, Blue? 🤗
I'm good thanks! 🤗 Finally sitting down for a well deserved break haha