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IItty Bitty 🍒 Committee 18+

It is definitely mentally taxing
all we can do is try our best
and i hope they'll try their best for you
Hey guys
Hey Chloee!
What’s new?
not a lot, just sitting in the house with the doggos since its way too cold for them
What about you?
Lazy at home
settling in for the night?
nice, comfy vibes for sure
Litty biiity
Hey room
hi rigpig 🫶🏻
hi pig 🐷
Moss out here looking for a reason to ban 🥴
How you guys doing
Who getting banned ?
no idea
lmao no one
always 🤭🫡
Any one suggestions for a good club outfit for a flatter chested girl?
Moss is best mod
Ngl anything 😭
Clubs r dark anyways
wear what makes you feel good about yourself
if you're feeling good, it'll show and that's what counts
Mmmmm very nice
So how are my fellow southern neighbours doing with your new commander in chief?
personally, kind of tired of the constant debates that have come with it
elections are political theater
Heavens 🙌🏽❤️
Mmmmm nice and itty
Specially nowadays
Those hips💚💚💚
She looks amazing doesn’t she ?
🫶🏻🫶🏻 ty