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IItty Bitty 🍒 Committee 18+

FYI I hate my job lmao
Hey everyone
Why do you hate your job Hayley?
Hayley if you hate your job you should take off the shirt
Hello everybody
Good morning
Out of respect drop a different pic next time, You’ve dropped the same one 3 times now
She looks good in it though
It’s been the only photo she sent
Still Looks good🤷🏻‍♂️
The rules: READ CAREFULLY ❌No hmuDmPm requests ❌No links ✅Mods can ban at own discretion ❌No being weird when others drop, Especially no telling girls to drop ✅Newbies must change their names to a recognizable name to go by ❌No photos that Aren’t you or group pictures Have fun and makes sure you follow these rules, May change over a course of time
Anyways how’s is going
Oh that’s how it’s going 🥴
Sexy photo Moss 🙈
My wifey 🤭🤭
ive gained weight : (
At least you look good either way. Slay queen 🫶
Cute photo spam 👏
ngl i dont like being called queen
Mamacita moss 😘
Haha sorry I won’t call you that anymore.
What do you like being called?
just moss
Only I get to call her names
yeah >:3
Respect that 💪
In that case No matter what, you are still an incredibly beautiful woman, Moss. A little weight will not change that, so do not let anyone tell you otherwise.
Go see what I sent Mamacita
im spoiled :3
You always will be
Ngl you two sound like you’d make a cute couple
And they are both very cute 😍
cloudy whats ur sign 👀
i love leos 🥴
I love you 😘😘
:3 🫶🏻
Just date each other already