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Australia i Oceania/


I remember all that 🤣
I can still picture the single cassette I wish I remember what the songs were
Wow pen pal that brings back memories
That was a long time ago... I was not... me back then
My parents had me do this bible club by mail - the mail box bible club. Would have been 70s or early 80s.
Oooo wow
I'm feeling nostalgic
Good luck with finding them. 🤣🤣
I wouldn't even know where to start looking.
I'm just reminiscing
Socials maybe but as you are not here I’m not sure how narrow they are searching names
Is anyone an Iron Maiden fan?
When I’m drunk
Shame on you..*Giggles* I'm always a Maiden fan. Up the Irons
Anyways Nicko retired
How oils would he be? 70s?
72 according to google. Drummer 40 years
He had a stroke a few years ago
I didn’t know that - bugger
I love him... all my drummers are gone
Neil Peart, The Rev, now Nicko
I'm sorry
How is everyone feeling
Down and frustrated at myself
Uhh nuuu why??
Fecked, heavy drinking last night
Nothing is working out and I have no-one to message
Almost 8 am here
Where is here?
Here is here
Not Australia clearly
Hey from qld
Hey miss Aus
Here here
There there
I'm here
And no I'm American
Hi all