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Hello 👋
Hi Reba hru?
Good thanks 😊
That’s good
It’s looking like rain here
Don’t think we need more but it’s ok
West Coast needs it
Hey dm me fun😘😘😘😍
Yeah it’s dry hey?
It was getting dry here before the cyclone
Now it’s soaking wet.
Heyy anybody up for rp pm me ❤️💋
We had rain for a couple of mornings but not even enough to make my lawn green
Mines greeen as. Fertilised just before the cyclone low rains. It’s almost golf green green.
Hey everyone
Anyone up for rp pm me ❤️❤️❤️
No wonder you’re a fluorescent green Ass then
>>>📷 i guess its T Type Network
Hello 👋
Hi ❄️✨
Hey Snow 👋🏻
Hi Snow hru
S︎nowᩚ❄️🦇🔒 🤗😘
Afternoon everyone ♥️
Hi Hannah hru
Hello Cam good you?
Any cute guy who works out and wants to have a normal chat which eventually leads to relationship
Good thanks Hannah
Photo as promised
Such a nice view
How are you doing, Taz?
Hey all