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I'm too broke to buy one
I don’t think they have to be expensive
If you can't afford that keep your legs closed.
Do us all a favor.
You don't have to be mean but bet bro
People wanna try different stuff
rent one
Hey all
You just need to be trained properly
Lube, going slow, learning to relax and how to not tense up
Thanks for all the tips
It’s easier when your relaxed about it
I agree
Hi cutie
It really depends on the individual
Are you saying this based on experience?
That’s such a guy thing to say … like it’s him getting stretched out 😂
And papa Smurf! I’ll never look at Smurfette the same again 😂
Everyone is different. It really depends on your partner, how prepared she is, how turned on she is and as said, how relaxed she is. That last one is probably most important
Some girls just can’t take it
It’s like any sex …if you’re trying to fit a marker pen where only a betting pencil will fit it’s going to hurt ..lubed relaxed hypnotised 😂
When your dads got a hog so you never need to leave the house 💅💁‍♀️
My mums got a pussy but I still go out
That’s no fun
Hey Phoenix X
Hey hey all!!!
Hey SweetLikeHoney 😁
Hiya Peachy 🍑
Any older guys
Hey phoenix.
How's everyone
I’m good!
Doing good … hbu
What’s everyone upto
My knuckle
Relaxing. How about you?
Same here chill evening
Booooooooty 👀😂
Cool cool.
Dang booty
Hello older dudes
Interesting topics tonight for sure ha
Booty is definitely interesting