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Read group everyone
Fan boy jig just don’t get it
Turkey tryn get stuffed 🤣
Good morning everyone
I wanna post my nip piercings but thatll result in instant ban
Antiland getting stricter
[+₭1] user known as Vamp🧛 is banned! Congrats, Jigsaw! Your report has been processed by our team of moderators, and user known as Vamp🧛 was banned from our community.
Try a different angle
Send them in the DM’s 😉
Going down in the dmssssss
Mm dms
+1 karma for doing their job for them lol
Yep taking down his users one by one
hey guys !
Any female wanna chat with boricua
I want to chat with my sister.
Your sister is busy with me rn
Oh dang
Getting banned in the newbies chat is an accomplishment
I can’t believe I just witnessed my sister get exposed like that 😂🤣💀
Sure sure
bros 25
Bro needs to learn to grow up please fr
Anyway newbies is full of bops anyway so im not even upset
lol who got banned in newbies
so she reported me
Like sorry guys like me ig idk
Crying frs
Idrc I have my coffee and fictional men
What more could I need frs
Hello everyone
And Roblox