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Amerika Utara/

NNew York

Not the oil 😭😂
Anyone wanna teach me I'm a sub and a v1rg you can make me do anything if you want I don't know 😭
The bot is still trying! 😦
Whuz hettnin
I’m Looking for a conversations that make time fly? If you enjoy humor, insight, and a little mystery, we might get along.
Hey what's up room
Morning everyone
Hi heather
How are you this morning
I'm actually in Maryland but thought I'd pop in to say hi
I'm good. Gotta get up soon
I’m in jersey, I do the same thing
lol seems like you’re up already
I'm getting there. Near Ocean city here
Somers point lol
Small world lol
Nice. I've never been there before.
Oh yeah Maryland has a oc too lol
Yep! Good beach and boardwalk
That’s what I’ve heard
lol pretty sure oc here has a boardwalk too
OK. Jumping in shower brb
Ok dm me if you want to chat after 😊
But actually jump into it
Jump really high
Hey what's up room. Ladies my dm is open....
No they’re not
I just tried
23,3cm 9 inches
Did anyone here ask for a unit converion?
>>> Ok let’s go mimis papi 🚶🏽‍♀️ Its funny you were here a minute ago and now you're in prison
Ha ha ha
Hey what's up room. Ladies my dm is open..
I can't type in the other NY room cuz it says I need at least 50 karma
What type of glitch is this
Send link to other ny gc
Woke up at 6am
Fell asleep to the sound of roaches sizzling from chemical burns
I’m new here, care for my service?