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Anonieme Chatrooms, Dating rollenspel met willekeurige vreemden online
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π˜Ύπ˜Ύπ™€π™ͺπ™œπ™–π™§π™¨ 𝙉' 𝘾π™ͺ𝙗𝙨

majestic r u a hit masc?
hot, I typed Hot πŸ”₯
i’m masc but idk about a hot one lol
that's no bueno
whats masc?
the ladies think i am so that’s good enough for me 😌
what ladies
cx b quiet
all the ladies
they don't count here
only the ppl in this room count now
i barely talk here so i’m still quite new
ohhh i see
u want a cougar?
oof yes
k dm noods asap
I'll process ur applications
that’s too early for that lol
r u father time?
need to chat here a lil more
Yes ma'am boss lady πŸ™‚β€β†•οΈ
Fez you're up
good boy
leme give u a star
🌟 many stars do I need?
2 for ur nips...1 for ur....
and 1 for ur mouth
Wow Lizz never gave me a star
ruh row
can't give stars to ppl I never pmd
Fair but I want one
Love you Lizz how you been anyways. Long time no see
better than I've ever been before
That’s great to hear
I’m doing alright
Hey any cougars for a fun cub ?πŸ«£πŸ˜ŒπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ