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𝘾𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙖𝙧𝙨 𝙉' 𝘾𝙪𝙗𝙨

It's the "check the tag on my sweatpants"
Grey sweats 🧐🧐🧐😍
Hugs 🫂
Hello 👋
Hey people
The majestic Elephatorilla Majors
that is Freddy Kruger
that is Freddy Kruger Liz…🤣🤣
I’ll be your Freddy Kruger 😏
🤯 if I say Phoenix 3 times, will you appear in my apartment? 🤣
Nice pic Pho
Yes 😂 but only in your worst nightmares 🤣
I'd have to think about that though...idk what would be my worst nightmare
what filter is that
yellow app
Hi all 👋🏻
pho so hot
Yoh I'm exhausted
but y
Fun fact about Cheese : I once saw the movie Starship Troopers, and had nightmares about those bugs for months
I was going to post a pic with all the bugs from it but that would be so mean to Cheese so I didn’t 🦗
Good evening
How are you ? Is even someone alive here by the way ?
No. I was in a fire 🔥 I’m not alive 👹
Oh that’s annoying
Are you a witch ?
I’m Freddy
Oh then ok everything is fine except if I am having a dream
That would technically be a nightmare
This is kinda random