I'm 29 but the app won't let me change it from 28
I've got to deal with my drunk brother, and I've got to be up at 7 for work.
He just got home all slammered
I'm gonna be drunk as a skunk on Wednesday lol
I've only ever known one person who drank isopropyl
But he's not around anymore
I remember when I was a security guard at a hospital them street folk would walk in and slam the hand sanitizer off the wall
Why do I like anonymous chat so much?
Where I was during COVID alcohol was essential
The did however have huge line ups outside which defeated the purpose of social distancing
I'm exhausted man, I work outside.
8:30 to 4:30, glad the winters been warm these passed few days
I honestly enjoy the work, it's like getting paid to work with friends.
Our crews a bunch of jokers man
I should be tryna sleep but I know I won't be able to until atleast like 3 or 4 am
I'm tired, my drunk brothers keeping me up.
I've got too woooorrk.
Hello everyone, on my lunch break.
Back inside from the cold for awhile lol