when h group treated u really well
>>> War crimes are war crimes
make war crimes illegal again! even though this is genøcide not war
this dude keep saying this 1% lol it has increased!!!
israhell killed mostly children
israhell killed their own people
>>> And the idea that I repeat myself…And you ...
cuz it is what it is, a GENØCIDE
Islam has rules for war. not just randomly killing anyone in sight, children, women, unarmed civilians, reporters, bombing hospitals, ambulances, schools, homes
>>> Pathetic
fr shocking he still comes here
thanks for the infos megs!
>>> It's worse now because there is way more d...
yet the genocide in Gaza is the most DOCUMENTED and the most DENIED.
how many weren't filmed? imagine what they did when we couldn't see their crimes on our phone
>>> Also have any of you actually been to pale...
i wish i can go to Masjid Al-Aqsa someday
>>> But here in the uk my birthplace I will no...
cuz all they know is lies. y’know if u repeat a lie enough times, it becomes israel 😭
>>> free middle east from israel
free the world from israhell*