me too! what’s ur fav animal?
it doesn’t seem to be popular there, unlike football and basketball
ooo nice i used to love huskies. my favorite is cats but i also like seals. they’re just like me lol
aww a pair! do they have (cat) kids?
hahah those are zoo seals. the wild ones are fat and likes to lie down 🦭
>>> They look so smooth and have big eyes lol ...
exactly, adorable i would say 😂 i like otters too
>>> No my boy cat is neutered
oh so no kittens
she’s like she has committed a crime and get caught 😭🤣
salaam ukhti, masha’Allāh
yaasss and they like to rub their cheeks. super cute! 🥺
right?! it’’s like they have little personalities just like us. i love how they hold onto things with their paws, so precious 😩
they seem so peaceful and carefree. i love how they float around, just living their best lives
i agree
animals >>> indians supporting israhell
she will be back with a new account don’t worry
shaytans work hard
that indian works harder 😆
since shaytans are locked up this month
>>> Is the dog the girls main account
they are different people
3 accounts in the past few hours wow
i bet the zookeepers had no idea they’d be starting a basketball team hahah