You have to put a lot of butter on that baguette
Well the first thing you need to do is determine the type of drop Dead you want..
Do you want instantaneous or do you want slightly slow
Everything's better with butter
It's not that you have lost style it's more..
Do you have the same style as everyone else
What exactly are you doing to stand out
And most importantly. Are people distracted by phones because that's probably impossible to overcome
But do you haveobjectively long legs?
You can.. and the gym is a good place to get all the attention
Yeah but.. are you going to be able to strike the right balance between trying and getting or are you going to appear to be trying too much
I mean I don't know some people probably get up at 4:00 a.m. and run
No you don't because then a lot of people will catch on.. and then they will find you very unattractive or.. a try hard
I will also point out that leggings make legs look so much better even legs that don't really look that good appear to be so much better in leggings
It is the internet after all
People are probably looking for some specific style
Sure. How many days a week am I going to nag you to go to the gym 😂
Don't be mean to rocks😂. Buy true
Because I go five times a week so..
You will only become muscular if you actually eat like a muscular person
Somebody probably has me blocked 😂
You better set accurate expectations for what you want to accomplish in one month