I saw the message "BET👀" as the last sent message and guessed it was you caramel before I saw ur name haha
good Im munching on smoked pork loin and mac and cheese lol
Oooo sounds good I am stuck at work for another hour
We love working 12 hours on an 1.5 hrs of sleep
Also watch out y’all, mod Murr is on the hunt for pics. She jealous and in a banning mood
she just wanted to talk crap about Murr
Idk Murr but she seems to piss ppl off pretty easy
She’s a head mod who’s a total ass
I was giving y’all a heads up but whatever you want to think lol
Imma block them just being like that honestly. I don’t need it
I think Murr found her lol'
Pics is why the app is in this situation she is doing her job. We don’t know her orders
Sorry didn’t mean to kill the chat