Ssdd bro, you doin alright?
Same here, trading time for money
Hello hi stop saying hi and talk sillies
Photo i took lasy weekend
Lemme just ban ppl when they only say hi 💀
Im too nice 😇 my mean days are over
Lmao i was going to be mean and stopped myself 💀
>>> Don't make me pm you😤😤😤
Please don't
That looks like a huge city like New York New York or something
>>> That looks like a huge city like New York ...
I do live in the new York of Canada..... unfortunately 💀 packed like sardines in this btch
Someone brought donuts...
Im trying to start convos and im failing
You should change your name to Holla Never.
Holla to left....Holla to the right...
Imma just shut up and go back to work 💀
Or a guy that typos all day