boooom bbyg 💕💕 good morning sunshine
I hope we all have a blessed Sunday
i got this bad thing i recruited
i say fk her cause i screwed her
i stay on miley cyrus everywhere i go im screwed up
>>> i stay on miley cyrus everywhere i go im s...
Told them to stay off the wave they're used up
Star? You can't always control the stage. Let that man perform
you can both shut ur pie holes
Yes. Let's have a blessed day
>>> you can both shut ur pie holes
I'll throw a pie in your face. Or spray some whip cream.... I almost started up. It's Sunday
Lemme put on my Sunday best
Nall, fr though. Suit and tie
Star? Wearing a dress today?
You'd look so beautiful in a Sunday dress
And then get those Sunday cheeks
Definitely them Sunday cheeks gone look extra nice, because they're blessed by the best
Lol ooh. Indecent exposure, but it's definitely worth it. May your cheeks bless the world.
correction may the bless jesus
i just made the best scrambled eggs omg
like gordon ramsey i feel
Jesus the one that blessed the world with him. You ain't blessing him and show us the eggs
i fr had to try & omg finished them allllll
Thats crazy. Fat azz. Pun intended
but tbh they are better to manage in the pot!
You're a chef fr. I'm very proud of you
like it’s crazy the difference it made
i just wanna chef for my huzzzzzband