This app can be draining sometimes
Black Queens and White Kings
I always take huge breaks from this app lol
But when i find a fun GC with good vibes it can be fun 😁
I do. But when Im free and I hop on the Chat I see a freaking
"Puerto Rican Quoting Not like Us in Support of Trump"
And on that note… who wants to see some pics of elephants?
I recently got back from Ghana 🇬🇭 lol
I'll trade you some Zebra Pics
>>> I recently got back from Ghana 🇬🇭 lol
Oh awesome
How was it to travel to Ghana?
Had 10 days of fun in the sun
Not I’m back in the cold 😭
Especially in the winter lol
>>> Not I’m back in the cold 😭
Ooof that's rough welcome back in the cold 🫂
The fire really fcked up an entire city
tbh i wonder what they housing market about to do
and they say lots weren’t insured
At least it’s getting warmer
I have seen it be sunny and -40
you ain’t in the right places
I’m in all the wrong places 😏