It’s all stupid Crap all over
Ok well glad you didn’t fall for it missK
How is everyone seattle area
I drove to fife from Vancouver this morning. Damn near drove off the road at 5am. Highway had a lot of ice on it
Wow. Glad you’re ok. No ice or snow down my way
Who is available tonight to play 💦?
Ice and snow at the ocean butt it’s all ways 50 degrees
I’ll be off soon and I’m looking to mate with right person.
I think the duck basketball team plays this time of year
Looking to makeout and cuddle tonight we could do orals too.
I made steak tonight in my barbecue hut.
I’ll have ribs ready in a few hours, drop on by
Welcome, we’ve been patiently waiting Deedee
Who wants to meet for coffee this afternoon?