Morning Micheal, it's going alright, thanks! How are things for you?
Better than a slap in the face, that's for sure
Why am I not surprised you're a fan of Cult of the Lamb. Great game, of course lol
Michael 👊 I'm alright, thanks! How are you?
I agree with you about the Ezio collection. Assassin's Creed 1, 2, and Brotherhood were the best AC games. I fell off hard on AC3 and haven't played any since
Oh wait you mean Last of Us don't you 😂
Oh right Ezio wasn't in the first one lol it's been so long
Yes those three were great! AC1 will always be my favorite in the series, with AC2 close behind
I quit AC3 in the middle of it and never even finished it, it made me so upset it was so bad lol
And gotcha, I've never played either Last of Us, but I've heard the 2nd is the best one from a few friends. But hey you like what you like
Yes I remember now lol it's been a while!
Yes, I loved those games when they first came out. So amazing
Yeah I stopped playing them after AC3, couldn't support them squeezing the franchise for every penny they possibly could
And the story just got so convoluted lol
I've got to run but I'll probably be back later