Just starting out with work
I thought being a gamer was proof enough lol
Hope you all are having a great day!
Yeah it's not too bad! Pretty good, I'd say
This week has been actually really really good
Nothing much really, how about you?
I'm alright, just working away
Yes, if you want to have a bigger game library, go for Xbox. All the bells and whistles like VR, super expensive controllers, etc. for playstation aren't something you really need to worry about
Plus, Xbox's online system is way better than playstation's
Basically just boils down to what games you want to play.
For me, something like that doesn't matter, unless you want to play games online at a professional level
For basic gaming, there's no reason so spend that much on a controller lol
What kind of games are you interested in, ThatPersonnn?
I'll take the back seat since I'm in the minority as not a fan of PlayStation lol
I hear you. I don't have anything nice to say about Sony PlayStation so I won't say anything else ๐ค haha
Hope everyone is having a good day