I like to swim over running. It helps to improve your mental fortitude as well as your cardiovascular system
Oh nice! I used to do musical theatre.
Many blessings to you, brothers and sisters in Christ!
Anytime! Hope everyone is staying warm and safe out here today 🙂
I love a good healthy Christian community :3
No? How many Amish would be on a cell phone lol
Haha 😂 is Jeremiah an Amish name?
Honestly I chose this name because of a nightmare I had when I was two. A figure said it was his name and it was just what I thought of as an alias
I’ve always had lucid dreams and vivid nightmares. Three figures are recurring in them.
The first was a tall man in a white robe with a featureless mask over his face, save for an eye slit over one eye where a deep red peered out. He said his name was Jeremiah and that “this is not a dream”
The second was a teenager with white hair, tan skin, and golden eyes who wore black, and he said his name was Felix
The third was a girl with blonde hair, blue eyes, except the white of her eyes were black. She burned with a faint blue fire and she said her name was Amalia
I keep a dream journal of the things that happen and these people have appeared many times in my dreams throughout my life
Very much so. Though I haven’t seen them in years.
Oh I had night terrors for a long time as a kid that felt very real
I actually believe they’re a part of my psyche manifesting themselves. Jeremiah often appears in nightmares and represents my “shadow”. Amalia is a representation of my subconscious. And Felix represents how I see myself
Oh yea! I learned to have limited control of my dreams and I’m good. I just don’t get a lot of rest at nihht
Yep! I’m able to figure out when I’m dreaming pretty often, though I often soon wake up when I do
Dreams or nightmares but yea. I didn’t come up with those names. I write down what I can when I can.