Couldn't even translate that 😓
hahahah that was supposed to be "Lanna"
My keyboard on web is terrible
Your the only gold fish with high karma
Amor areu was went to mur house?
Wah amor went to lily house?
😂 lots of fish in this ocean with much more karma than me 😊
Then u haven't seen many other fishes😀
Rio wonso, happy birthday fishie, NN, and a nameless much and much more
>>> Wah amor went to lily house?
>>> Rio wonso, happy birthday fishie, NN, and ...
Kai dunno Rio lol
Pfft I know you well lily
It's almost been... 2 years now?
>>> It's almost been... 2 years now?
One year going to half
Wow all hv great memory power unlike me
I've known Lanna 2 years. Or probably close to the same as Lily as well
I known many ppl here for years. But now all left so I m a lonely fish in this ocean
>>> I've known Lanna 2 years. Or probably clos...
Install this app may 24 2023 lol