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9x1 that's not math
Ty why Purr 👀
Because I distracted Nana earlier 🫣🫣
But thank 👀
Thank you for the games Kai 🥳🥳🥳🥳☁️
😆😆😆😆 no no it's otayyyy
i thought it would be smth hard, i was thinking too much higher🤣🤣🤣
It's just gameeee
it is 🤨
Thank youuu tho 😑
I just wish someday there would be hard questions cause net is slow haha
Dont gift meeee
Thanks kai
thanks for the game 🥹
Good night all
>>> Dont gift meeee No need 100 diamond?
Will be ss for it lol
Lol, i meant I dont take gifts from girls 😆
I know , i was joking ,sorry
Oh I missed
Hey everyone hv a good day..😊 and hv a great start of week ahead. Tc😊
Morning all, have a good week!🌸🍃
same to u all!!! )))
Emilly 😘🥰
Good night to all ill be around for a bit
You know I was extremely close in sending a foot pic 😂😂😂 but I feel that would be weird. QUESTION. is it normal for a foot to be extremely hot pink? My foots been bugging me lately
It’s not normal
Don’t think too
It could indicate a medical issue
Most likely related to inflammation or nerve damage
Maybe it's time to buy new shoes
There times where days could be worst. but life goes on you gotta keep up with it and don't let short events that are temporary get the best of you
Nice quote kai 🥰❤️