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Sjeverna Amerika/

KKansas City Social

Somewhere jejeje
Why respond at all? Lol
I dunno
I was just being random
They are building one near the Kansas Speedway
Oh ok cool
Howdy yall
Good morning
Good morning
Morning ya
Hold on to your hat yall lol
Yall still on?
Did brew survive the outage?
No 🤞🏼
Good morning
Good morning everybody, I’m back and ok from the storm but I was locked out of my account Friday afternoon
All the Apple ppl were lol. Glad your an Apple person 😂😂😂😂
lol 😂
So how did you get your account back?
Had to give #, email and my password, they are get rid of fake accounts
Wow. They are getting after it lol
Hey you
How are you? 🙂
I’m doing ok. Just rolling along
Good, roadswork treating you ok? How have things been in the group?
Slow as usual. But we miss ya around here
Brew is on some but there was the big apple user outage for a day lol
Good morning 🌞
Good morning
Good morning 🌞
Good morning Brew lol. Hru ?
I’m good and you?
I’m ready for spring
Spring is coming lol
It’s gonna be a warm day today
I’m ok. I’m awake this morning
Where are you heading today
East Texas
Have a fun ride and drive carefully
Thank you. It’s just a short 300 miles today lol
Be careful driving
Hi Brew!!