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  2. Pieskaries “Pievienot sākuma ekrānam”
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☕️👫 Cozy Social Corner 🎙🥘🍲🍦

Oh ok meowgi
Is thag allowed?
See u all. Im giving away my karma thru bingo👉👈
Idk how to.play
I don't know redz first time seeing this kind of drop
The ad not the bingo..
>>> See u all. Im giving away my karma thru bi... OOK
Bingo’s everywhere. Omoooo. There’s regular bingo with the numbers
Its an ad
Its not a link
Ohhhh. Not allowed? Please delete kitty if not allowed. Thanks
Oh sorry kitty if I didn't post the rule
Im not sure myself
>>> Im not sure myself Me too
Post the room rules..
Gotta ask joshy bout it 😆
We can refresh our minds..
>>> Gotta ask joshy bout it 😆 Yeah ask
>>> We can refresh our minds.. Haha ok
U can just delete it
We r not sure about that now
We can just flood it away....
But we died..
It wasn't an intentional breaking of the rules.
Well, it's already there..
No need to do anything..
So, lets keep talking and it'll go away.
Should only take like 16 more messages.
Speaking of which, i really hate the way Anti has shortened the number of messages that remain on the screen... things flood away so Fast, I can barely keep up a lot of the time.
Haha it's finr
𝕻𝖎𝖝𝖎𝖊🌬, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Fail in your story.
You failed to make me listen to you Anticard
Oh haha
Especially if its someone who laughs like Freddy Krueger! 😈
Have you joined the army before?
I have not.
I knew better.
33c here rn..
Someone would give me some Order that we both knew was absolutely STUPID and I'd tell them where they could Stick it!
>>> I have not. Okay