Its 2023 ppl out here identifying as a helicopter 🤷🏽♂️ why not be dude and say ur a female😭
Ight so when we scissoring
>>> I am lesbian whether u think so or not🙄
she rolls her own tampons and kix starts her D*l*o she's a legit lez
I actually own like 2 d*ld*os but i bought one yesterday on accident cause its a lip stick but i didnt read the description
As a woman with a wife we don’t agree with the new ish y’all make a mockery of lgbt sorry not sorry
damn well ain’t that a damn shame
I thought we was finna drop dildos
Well idk what else to say🤷🏽♂️
awh she callin she using a guy emoji
>>> Its 2023 ppl out here identifying as a hel...
Ong this sht so real
>>> Ong this sht so real
It’s truly sad
>>> I don’t hate blacks, I just don’t think th...
What ethnicity are you?
Lasīt vairāk...