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Would it help the cause if I told you I’m a hot chick?
Dm me
You first, I’m shy
They weren’t having it, were they S’
These critters are dabbling with that AI
👁️👁️ 👅
Oke lilaros
How’s it going
Not you airing out the whole business
I didn't ask about anything
They made website for San Diego only. sdfriends.com
Reported ducky
Why was the duck reported?
You stupid b
Wasn’t lying they really did make website for SD
Don’t you hiii us
Go to sleep
Dm me
wtf is that
Aww another lonely guy
that’s a woman
Doing an AMA (Ask me anything) Just dm me 🙂
Holy spam cakes
Lol good morning guys
Dm me
Everyone here is from California?
No but the app keeps giving me this room even if I leave
I come from bikini bottom
I’m from Magas little city
I’m new here, how does this work
Only if they cool
Alien 👽
who wants to see my big friend? write to me
Nenny let’s get on da iPad and draw. O wait 🥲😂
swerve and hit that corner woooaaahhh