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But I get it bro
Padres goin crazy tho
Kota πŸ€™πŸΌ Papi 😍
This style
They suck don’t they
Having a white gf is a status symbol
How bout them raiders
On god
Forg are you white
Raiders fire πŸ”₯
Yes but give me a big shlong
Padres&raiders the same πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Pause. Best I can do is give you a large labia πŸ˜”
Ew no
Big credit
Ur sexy
I thought ruff was white Ngl 😭 she mad fine tho
Get it sexyyy
But ion got roast beef. Gimme a nice thick shlong
Who’s ruff
Roast beef ☠️
Frog is sexy asf
Me no got Arby’s classic headahh
I never been to Arby’s
Do people actually go there
I did, they have the best shakes and gyros. The rest is dryer than grandma Coochie
You have no idea the hold Arby’s had in 2008
We have the meats
Arbys unlocked bet
Ur hot asf frog
lol thanks u too
Bro I keep farting
I wonder if this white bich heard it
skill issue fr fr
She can definitely smell it
Such a cute turtle! 😍
I have a fart issue
My heart goes out to you o
This has taking a turn.
frog? ty lol
Frog I heard you were bad af
But I think they’re capping
REM in Cali is crazy
Frog is bad asf
fr fr Cali rent wild bruh
Did you get banned from Texas? πŸ‘€