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Only if you join me there quacker
Pat has three legs give him a king bed ?
Wants me to drown 📝
I thought we were frens quackaroonie 😫
I don’t belong there sorry. 😂😂
Who has 3 legs? lol
I didn’t we’re friends 👀😂😂😂 kidding!!!
Ooohh mocha!! 🥹🥹 ☕️
I’m gonna get some soon! 😂😂
Cawfee parté
Coffee?? Damn
Ahhh it’s perfect for cold and rainy weather
I need a king bed definitely
Step bro is here
Looking for my step sis
She’s definitely not here 😏
Hi ✨
Omg snow!! 👀
>>> Looking for my step sis She stuck in the dryer man
Any naughty girls?
>>> Any naughty girls? Yeah, stuck in the dryer 🙄
Omg these bots. It’s all day everyday
See quack three legged Pat
Quack at them quacker
Lmao that’s what I do. I quack all day everyday. 😂😂
Day drinking today
Smoke break
How’s chat
Canberra bit cold today
Sydney cooler too
I keep putting on a jumper and taking it off depending what I'm up to
Thats called menopause
Bad circulation
Medusa phase 🤗😘