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Overthinking keeping me awake and my partner doesn’t like talking so I’ve got no outlet
speak to her let her know
She doesn’t listen
She has to much of her own problems* and doesn’t want anymore
i hope she didn't say that to your face that'll make her a horrible person
or is it just your assumption
It’s a complicated situation. She has yes
She’s not a horrible person though
She just isn’t quite right
One card short of a full deck
aren't both of you supposed to talk to each other about your problems? It's not you against her it's both of you against the problem im sure she'll understand if you communicate or there will be no way to resolve it
I’ve tried. She has a flight or fight response and always chooses flight.
>>> I’ve tried. She has a flight or fight resp... damn that's tough i wouldn't wanna b with a man like that
There’s no immediate problem besides my need to communicate
And just vent openly
She has adhd which definitely factors as so why talking is hard
last time i chose a man who didn't know how to communicate it broke me and gave me commitment issues
That explains it
you should at least let her know that it's bothering u
the fact that she doesn't want to hear you out
im assuming you resorted to anti because of that no?
She knows, and it’s not that she doesn’t care, more that she’s not in a position in life where she can change her stance. She’s not forcing me to be here and she’s made it clear that this is how she is. I’m choosing to stay because of who she is
Yeah pretty much. I don’t want validation just someone to talk to
We’ve been together for coming up 3 months. She has a very traumatic past so the longer we are together, the better things become with her trusting me
I know that the end result will be what I want, it’s just really hard right now
I don’t think she will matter less
I’ve never felt this way about anyone before
>>> I’ve never felt this way about anyone before feelings change you wouldn't even realise
love is a practice
My whole lifestyle has shifted since meeting her. But not because of her, because it’s what I want. It’s like the best part of me has come out since her
She wouldn’t be bothered about who I talk to. The relationship we have is built on trust. And I have no bad intentions being here
I just need to talk to people. And the sad truth for me is that I talk better to woman. And most the woman I know in my life I could talk to, I’ve been romantic with in the past so it feels more inappropriate to talk to them
But also the whole point of anonymity is that I don’t know who I’m talking to. It could be male or female or anyone
the sad truth is that people often become dependent on someone who shares their experiences and listens to what they’re going through when you find someone to talk to it can become much more than just talking during difficult times having someone who genuinely cares can give you strength and make you feel supported in my case if someone shows they care about me when my current partner isn't paying much attention i might develop some sort of attraction to them
the sad truth is that people often become dependent on someone who shares their experiences and listens to what they’re going through when you find someone to talk to it can become much more than just talking during difficult times having someone who genuinely cares can give you strength and make you feel supported in my case if someone shows they care about me when my current partner isn't paying much attention i might develop some sort of attraction to them
why's it sent twice 💀
I definitely understand that but I’m not concerned about that because I know how I feel. I was single for 6 years before this at my own choice, waiting for the right person. And im sure I’ve found them despite the struggles I’m having. I just need an outlet cause I know there are times what I need to say are pointless and can be detrimental on our relationship.
I do appreciate your concern though 🙂
She has a lot to deal with on the daily, she has a lot of mental problems. I don’t need to be adding my own insecurities about being lonely and weigh her down more then she already is, because realistically, I’m probably just a bit too clingy haha
Dm me
This kangaroo is like this
Mondays jump like any other day
Deep chats here for a change
Again for the 2nd time today isn’t Monday
Vero in another part of the world but likes to stop by
>>> She has a lot to deal with on the daily, s... you're a nice man
Sounds like you both need therapy and supports in place to cope