she can batter me anytime
i have a lump on my knee, i’m pre diabetic and i have high cholesterol
the doctor said it’s all easily reversed with weight loss but i’m gonna go the other direction
i’ll be in a mobility scooter within a year
i get an mri saturday to see exactly what the lump is
the office cancer dog gave it a positive hit
but it may of been the fact i hadn’t showered my crotch in a week
at this point they don’t know what it is other than a lump.:; they did an ultrasound and all it did was confirm there’s a lump
you can see it looking at my knee… did t need an ultrasound for that
before you couldn’t see it, just feel it now it’s got its own zip code
when it gets mad it shakes… it’s like when a horse can feel a storm coming… donald trump speech’s makes it pulsate
too close to reality to laugh
everyone laughs until we’re all living in a bunker together
hiding in an attic like anne frank
instead of a journal i’m gonna write erotic fiction
and in 50 years it’ll be banned from a library
if my lump is cancer will you send me every booty pic on your camera roll?
gonna be all hairy indian dudes asses