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Hey so who knows why woman talk so much and men think so much
Because men have 2 heads and woman have 4 lips... Waka Waka Waka
>>> Because men have 2 heads and woman have 4 ... Boooo bad joke
Yeah probably
But i know at least 1 person snorted when they laughed at it...
Well who knows
Who knows. Not me
Men don’t talk enough because when they say things like that (very stupid) they get embarrassed or shamed ( as the should)
Did I say too much. Mb
I was gonna say men don't talk as much cause she gonna try and read too far into it like everything we say is some secret code
Like no.. I said.. What I meant...
Meanwhile she says "I'm fine with whatever" and we somehow supposed to know exactly how she's feeling and how her day went and what her best friend did and what she wants for dinner 🙄
I blame bookface that's where I saw the joke at
Hey yall👋
My day has been okay. I haven’t talked to the bestie today. For dinner, I want… schnitzel with some kraut and spatzle
I really don’t talk a whole lot though. I’m pretty quiet as far as women go
But you share the shelf
I don't understand the shelf bit
>>> Men don’t talk enough because when they sa... I'm a man and I talk a lot lol
I’m fine with whatever
Me too
Yeah I talk to much also. Tends to get me in trouble
I had the most delicjous
I soaked it in wine
>>> I don't understand the shelf bit You must have missed the shelf that jenna banned
But she posted pics of her shelf.
It's a nice shelf
Hello 👋
It was a.... Shelfie 😏📝
M21 who tryna see sum big and veiny hmu im playing wit it rn
Can u guys rate my friend please text me
🫵🫵🫵 Poke poke poke
👁 👃 👁