Anybody want to pick the banjo with me?
How is the night life for Kalamazoo?
Don’t look fake to me but you probably have some experience being 70+, huh?
That’s what you get bein’ a squid.
I have an alcohol problem because I’ve been sober too long.
Invite me over for a 15 of vodka and a Hawaiian pizza.
You can’t even have a drink.
You don’t want to break their heart.
That’s just mean! Everyone has feelings.
How would you feel if someone was afraid of you and wanted to put a stake in your heart?
Do you want to kill them or are you scared of them?
Haha. I’m bored here too. I visited the art museum the other day. That was nice.
What kind of name is that?
Don’t tell anyone but it’s my real name.
Kawaii, my name is Shikimori San?
I was born in Henry Ford Hospital.
Smokin’ cigarettes and watchin’ captain Kangaroo, now don’t tell me… I’ve nothin’ to do.